Speak Good Chinese
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If you want to look up words:

MDBG Chinese-English dictionary

Course books using SpeakGoodChinese

Publications and articles useful to SpeakGoodChinese

Raw test results

Collecting usage and perfomance data, and creating example audio

Student performance is tabulated. It can be viewed and saved on the Settings page under the heading Overview. Saved performance records can be used by teachers for evaluation.

It is possible to use SpeakGoodChinese to record example audio files for wordlists and student evaluation. On the Settings page, press the Save Audio button and select a folder to store the recordings. A blue dot will be displayed in the lower right corner of the Main page as long as recordigns are stored. The recorded files have file-names constructed of the pinyin spelling of the word and the extention .wav. Every recording will overwrite existing recordings of the same pinyin word. The storage of recordings can be terminated by pressing the Save Audio button again. The blue dot on the Main page will disappear. Select those recordings you consider good enough as examples and copy them to the target wordlist directory for inclusion in the distribution.