Intro 3.6. Viewing a spectral slice

With View spectral slice from the Spectrogram menu in the SoundEditor and the TextGridEditor, you can see the frequency spectrum at the time cursor or the average frequency spectrum in the time selection.

Spectral slice at the cursor

If you click anywhere in the wave form of the SoundEditor or TextGridEditor windows, a cursor will appear at that time. If you then choose View spectral slice, Praat will create a Spectrum object named slice in the Objects window and show it in a SpectrumEditor window. In this way, you can inspect the frequency contents of the signal around the cursor position.

Spectral slice from a selection

If you drag the mouse through the wave form of the SoundEditor or TextGridEditor windows, a time selection will appear. If you then choose View spectral slice, Praat will again create a Spectrum object named slice in the Objects window and show it in a SpectrumEditor window. In this way, you can inspect the frequency contents of the signal in the selection.

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