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Publications of 1994


Bakkum, M.J., Plomp, R. & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'Objective analysis versus subjective assessment of vowels pronounced by native, non-native, and deaf male speakers of Dutch', J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 94, 1983-1988.

Bergem, D.R. van (1993). 'Acoustic vowel reduction as a function of sentence accent, word stress, and word class'. Speech Communication, 12, 1-23.

Bergem, D.R. van (1993). 'On the perception of acoustic and lexical vowel reduction'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, 1, Berlin, 766-680.

Bergem, D.R. van (1993). 'The influence of linguistic factors on vowel reduction'. In: Bohumil Palek & Premysl Janota (Eds), Proceedings of Linguistics and Phonetics`90, Prague, 427-436.

Bezooijen, R. van & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'Evaluation of text-to-speech conversion for Dutch'. In: V.J. van Heuven & L. C.W. Pols (Eds), Analysis and synthesis of speech. Strategic research towards high-quality text-to-speech generation, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 339-360.

Boersma, P. (1993). 'An articulatory synthesizer for the simulation of consonants'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, 3, Berlin, 1907-1910.

Boersma, P. (1993). 'Modelling the distribution of consonant inventoiries'. In: Bohumil Palek & Premysl Janota (Eds), Proceedings of Linguistics and Phonetics'90, Prague, 418-426.

Boersma, P. (1993). 'Accurate short-term analysis of the fundamental frequency and the harmonics-to-noise ratio of a sampled sound'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 97-110.

Bosch, L.F.M. ten, Wang, X. & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'Duration modelling with Hidden Markov models'. J. Acoust. Soc. Am., 94, Pt2, 1797 (A).

Clement, C.J. & Os, E.A. den (1993). 'Ontwikkeling van vocalisaties van ernstig slechthorende baby's'. In: A. de Houwer & S. Gillis (Eds). Kindertaalonderzoek in het Nederlands taalgebied: een overzicht. Antwerp Papers in Linguistic 75, 18 (Development of vocalizations of severely hearing-impaired infants).

Clement, C.J. & Os, E.A. den (1993). 'Development of vocalisations of severely hearing impaired infants'. Third Congress of the International Clinical Phonetics and Linguistics Association, Helsinki, Finland, 7 (A).

Clement, C.J. & Os, E. A. den (1993). 'The babbling stage of a deaf and a hearing infant; perceptual evaluation and acoustic measurements'. Sixth International Congress for the study of child language, Trieste, 164 (A).

Clement, C.J. & Os, E A. den (1993). 'Early detection methods of hearing impairment in infancy'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 13-18.

Dijk, J.S.C. van (1993). 'Combinations of tone'. Symposium Biophysics of hair cell sensory systems, Paterswolde, 325.

Dijk, A. van, Dijk, J.S.C. van, Groot, R. de & Vos, P.G. (1993). 'Onderzoek naar de herkenning van maat in eenstemmige composities van J.S. Bach'. IFA report 123, 39 pp. (Investigation of melodic cues for metre in composition by J.S. Bach for unaccompanied cello).

Helsloot, K. (1993). 'The prosodic word: an endless domain?'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences, 17, 129-146.

Heuven, V.J. & Pols, L.C.W. (Eds) (1993). Analysis and synthesis of speech. Strategic research towards high-quality text-to-speech generation, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, XXII + 420 pp.

Jansonius-Schultheiss, K. (1993). 'Spraakontwikkeling in samenspraak'. In: A. de Houwer & S. Gillis (Eds). Kindertaalonderzoek in het Nederlands taalgebied: een overzicht. Antwerp Papers in Linguistic 75, 32 (Speech development in interaction).

Koopmans- van Beinum, F.J. (1993). 'Spraak: individuele expressie van universele ontwikkeling?'. In: S. Gilles & A. de Houwer (Eds). NET Werken: Bijdragen van het vijfde NET-Symposium, Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 74, 17-31 (Speech: individual expression of universal development?).

Koopmans-van Beinum, F.J. (1993). 'Acoustic aspects of a model of early speech development'. In: A. de Houwer & S. Gillis (Eds). Kindertaalonderzoek in het Nederlands taalgebied: een overzicht. Antwerp Papers in Linguistic 75, 34.

Koopmans-van Beinum, F.J. & Os, E. A. den (1993). 'Spraak in ontwikkeling: perceptie, produktie en interaktie in het eerste levensjaar'. Stem-, Spraak- en Taalpathologie, 2, 137-161 (Speech development: perception, production, and interaction in the first year of life).

Koopmans-van Beinum, F.J. & Wieringen, A. van. (Eds) (1993). 'Profile of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences 1993', IFA-report 122, 60 pp.

Koopmans-van Beinum, F.J. (1993). 'Cyclic effects of infant speech perception, early sound production, and maternal speech'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences, 17, 65-78.

Kuijpers, C.T.L. (1993). Temporal coordination in speech development. A study on voicing contrast and assimilation of voice. Ph.D. -thesis, University of Amsterdam, 165 pp.

Kuijpers, C.T.L. (1993). 'The voiced-voiceless distinction in speech development of young Dutch children'. Journal of Phonetics, 21, 313-327.

Kuijpers, C.T.L. (1993). 'Child and contrast: imitation, voicing, and assimilation in speech development'. In: A. de Houwer & S. Gillis (Eds). Kindertaalonderzoek in het Nederlands taalgebied: een overzicht. Antwerp Papers in Linguistic 75, 36.

Laan, G.P.M. & Bergem, D.R. (1993). 'The contribution of pitch contour, phoneme durations and spectral features to the character of spontaneous and read aloud speech'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, 1, Berlin: 569-572.

Leeuwen, H.C. van & Lindert, te R. (1993). 'Speech maker: a flexible and general framework for text-to-speech synthesis and its application to Dutch'. Computer Speech and Language, 7, 149-167.

Leeuwen, H.C. van & Lindert, te R. (1993). 'Speech maker: a flexible and general framework for text-to-speech systems'. In: V.J. van Heuven & L. C.W. Pols (Eds), Analysis and synthesis of speech. Strategic research towards high-quality text-to-speech generation, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 317-338.

Mennen, I. & Os, E.A. den (1994). 'Intonation of modern Greek sentences'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 111-128.

Os, E.A. den (1993). 'Ritme in spraak: enige kanttekeningen'. In: Eenheid in de kunsten; Verslag van een studiedag over de samenhang tussen de expressievormen: Taal, Beweging en Muziek, 27-34 (Rhythm in speech: some notes).

Os, E. den (1993). 'The development of pitch and temporal structure starting from the early lingual period'. In: A. de Houwer & S. Gillis (Eds). Kindertaalonderzoek in het Nederlands taalgebied: een overzicht. Antwerp Papers in Linguistic 75, 22.

Os, E.A. den & Clement, C.J. &(1993). 'Development of vocalisations of severely hearing impaired infants'. Sixth International Congress for the study of child language, Trieste, 39 (A).

Pols, L.C.W. et al. (1993). 'Letteren zonder fonetiek is taal zonder spraak'. IFA-report 121, 16 pp. (A faculty of art without phonetics is as language without speech).

Pols, L.C.W. & Son, van R.J.J.H. (1993). 'Acoustics and perception of dynamic vowel segments', Festschrift in honor of prof. H. Fujisaki, Speech Communication, 13, 135-148.

Son, R.J.J.H. van (1993). Spectro-temporal features in vowel segments. Ph.D.-thesis, University of Amsterdam, IFOTT Studies in language and language use 3, 195 pp.

Son, R.J.J.H. van & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'Vowel identification as influenced by vowel duration and formant track shape'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, Vol 1, Berlin, 285-288.

Son, R.J.J.H. van & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'How does speaking rate influence vowel formant track parameters?'. In: V.J. van Heuven & L. C.W. Pols (Eds), Analysis and synthesis of speech. Strategic research towards high-quality text-to-speech generation, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 171-191.

Son, R.J.J.H. (1993). 'Vowel perception: A closer look at the literature'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 33-64.

Stelt, J.M. van der (1993). Finally a word. A sensori-motor approach of the mother-infant system in its development towards speech. Ph.D.-thesis, IFOTT Studies in language and language use 4, University of Amsterdam, 226 pp.

Stelt, J.M. van der (1993). 'Intersubjektiviteit: een vergeten aspect in de communicatie-ontwikkeling'. In: S. Gilles & A. de Houwer (Eds). NET Werken: Bijdragen van het vijfde NET-Symposium, Antwerp Papers in Linguistics 74, 33-44 (Intersubjectivity: a forgotten aspect in communication development?).

Stelt, J.M. van der (1993). 'Early mother infant interaction and their development to speech communication'. In: A. de Houwer & S. Gillis (Eds). Kindertaalonderzoek in het Nederlands taalgebied: een overzicht. Antwerp Papers in Linguistic 75, 55.

Vroomen, J., Collier, R. & Mozziconacci, S. (1993). 'Duration and intonation in emotional speech'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, 2, Berlin, 577-580.

Wang, X. (1993). 'Durational modelling in HMM-based speech recognition: towards a justified measure'. Proceedings (Contribution papers) NATO ASI on New Advances and Trends in Speech Recognition and Coding, Bubion (Granada), Spain, 67-70.

Wang, X., Bosch, L.F.M. ten & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'Impact of dimensionality and correlation of observation vectors in HMM-based speech recognition'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, 3, Berlin, 1583-1586.

Wang, X. (1993). 'Modelling duration and other long-term speech features in HMM-Based speech recognition'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 19-32.

Weenink, D.J.M. (1993). 'Modelling speaker normalization by adapting the bias in a neural net'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, 3, Berlin, 2259-2262.

Weenink, D.J.M. (1993). 'Vowel classification with neural nets: A comparison of cost functions'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 1-12.

Weenink, D.J.M. (1993). 'Computer facilities'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 147-148.

Wieringen, A. van, Boersma, P. & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'Perceptual asymmetry between initial and final and glides: psycho-acoustics and cochlear encoding'. Proceedings of the Institute of Phonetic Sciences Amsterdam, 17, 79-96.

Wieringen, A. van, Cullen, J.K. & Pols, L.C.W. (1993). 'The perceptual relevance of CV-and VC-transitions in identifying stop consonants: cross-language results'. Proceedings Eurospeech'93, 2, Berlin, 1499-1502.

Zanten, E. van, Damen, L.W.M. & Houten E. van (1993). 'Collecting data for a speech database'. In: V.J. van Heuven & L. C.W. Pols (Eds), Analysis and synthesis of speech. Strategic research towards high-quality text-to-speech generation, Mouton de Gruyter, Berlin, 207-222.

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